Snapshots from around the farm

Feeding calves is easy, no need to hang the pail, just hook it behind their ears!

BUCKETHEAD! Both Madeline and Violet cannot fit their heads into this bucket, but that did not stop them from trying...repeatedly.

That water bucket is bigger than lil JellyBean!

Timmy and his new goat "Brinks"

The boys think they're cool rocking those purple blankets

Windy made friends with a little white hen

The babies are waiting to be fed

Lollipop riding home in the car
Chanel introcuding herself to the cows.
Rocky posing for the camera
Snowy and Chanel
My Secretary
Can I keep her?
Timmy and Velvet marching in the Canterbury Fourth of July parade
Nursery Barn
Moxie and Magic
Snowy and Splash
Chaz and Gypsy
Sure they're cute when they're small
Christopher Robyn
Big and Small we love them all
no need to hook up the trailer
This image of Ladybugg was featured in the KV Vet catalog
jump course
Hunt course
While we offer a host of training services, house breaking horses usually isn't one of them.